Displaying items by tag: fish

Bionetix® International a wholly owned subsidiary of Cortec® Corporation, in the business of manufacturing microbial based bio-products has specially designed AQUA-FEED - all natural feed additive for the aquaculture industry. AQUA-FEED bio-converter reduces incidence of disease and mortality while improving weight gain for shrimp, fish, and other aquatic species.

2015 06 12 083542

AQUA-FEED is composed primarily of strong immunostimulants ß1,3-ß1,6 D-glucan, a natural mannan-based oligosaccharide and other key ingredients. Aquaculture, particularly shrimp culture, has faced serious losses over the last decade due to the occurrence of diseases including white spot, yellow head and vibriosis.

Mass mortality has occurred among cultured fresh water shrimp because of pathogenic yeast, bacteria and viral infections. Results of the study of shrimp mortality have revealed that environmental deterioration, which can lead to the degradation of immunity of shrimp, is the main cause.

2015 06 12 083553Studies of the enhancement of the immune mechanism of aquatic animals have been very successful in preventing the mass mortality of shrimp caused by pathogenic infections.

Bio-converter technology assists in keeping aquaculture ponds clean and improves aquatic life. Ponds used for fish or prawn farming are consistently contaminated with bio-mass, shells, fecal matter, etc. These contaminants reduce the level of oxygen and produce methane, ammonia, nitrate and H2S gases that are harmful to aquaculture and lead to various diseases.

With the use AQUA-FEED, the degrading bacteria convert these gases into water, carbon dioxide and free nitrogen, some of which are consumed by zooplankton and the rest released into the atmosphere.

2015 06 12 083604Effective beneficial bacteria have been demonstrated to be effective in the prevention of pathogenic infection in shrimp, and may also enhance their growth rate. With the use of effective bacteria, the soil and water quality of cultured ponds may be significantly improved. The addition of AQUA-FEED in shrimp and fish feed will upgrade the feed quality and may significantly reduce serious diseases such as white spot disease and vibriosis after consumption.

The Aquafeed is blended with the various types of food meal that is provided to the fish. Due to the sufficient amount of vitamins and mineral included in AQUA-FEED, no additional vitamins or minerals are needed to make artificial feed.

2015 06 12 083517Cortec® Corporation is the global leader in innovative, environmentally responsible VpCI® and MCI® corrosion control technologies for Packaging, Metalworking, Construction, Electronics, Water Treatment, Oil & Gas, and other industries. Our relentless dedication to sustainability, quality, service, and support is unmatched in the industry. Headquartered in St. Paul, Minnesota, Cortec® manufactures over 400 products distributed worldwide.  ISO 9001, ISO 14001:2004, & ISO 17025 Certified. Cortec® Website: http://www.cortecvci.com Phone: 1-800-426-7832   FAX: (651) 429-1122

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