Aberdeen headquartered EnerMech has been awarded a five-year contract to deliver tensioning, torquing and associated services across all of TAQA’s North Sea platforms.
Under the new contract, EnerMech will deliver these services on the Cormorant Alpha, North Cormorant, Eider Alpha, Harding, Tern Alpha, Brae Alpha, and East Brae platforms.
The contract builds on EnerMech’s existing seven-year relationship with TAQA in the UK. EnerMech’s regional director for Europe and Africa, Ross McHardy, said: “We have been successfully carrying out work across TAQA’s North Sea assets since 2014 and are looking forward to providing further safe, responsive and reliable services under this new contract for flange management and bolting services.”
Formed in April 2008, EnerMech provides specialist integrated mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and integrity services to the international energy and infrastructure sectors, from pre-commissioning through operations and maintenance and late-life support/decommissioning.
The business is focused on offering a safer, more customer-focused, responsive service at lower cost, while delivering a much greater level of engineering and technical support than competitors can offer. In December 2018, EnerMech was acquired by The Carlyle Group, the NASDAQ listed global asset manager.
EnerMech specialises in providing integrated supply, operations, maintenance and engineering solutions in its core services of Cranes and Lifting, Electrical and Instrumentation, Equipment Rental, Hydraulic products and services, Industrial Services, Process, Pipeline and Umbilicals (PPU), Maintenance and Integrity Services, Training and Valve supply and services.
The group is headquartered in Aberdeen with bases in Great Yarmouth, Bristol (UK); Stavanger, Houston, Pasadena, Sulphur, Casper, Williston (USA), Guyana, Trinidad, Mexico, Abu Dhabi, Iraq, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Singapore; Perth, Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Darwin, Gladstone, Chinchilla (Australia); Malaysia, China, South Korea, India, Ghana, Nigeria, Angola and South Africa.